10 Rules to Calculate Oxidation Number

The oxidation number of an element is the charge actually present or appears to be present on it. It may be positive, negative or zero. In this article, you will learn rules to calculate the oxidation number. 

When an electron is lost by an element, the oxidation number is positive. When an electron is gained then the oxidation number is negative.

rules to calculate oxidation number

Rules to Calculate Oxidation Number

1 The oxidation number of all the atoms in their respective elementary states is taken to be zero.

2 The oxidation number of oxygen is -2 in all compounds but in peroxides like H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide), Na2O2 (sodium peroxide) is -1.

3 In halides, the oxidation number of halogens is -1.

4 In sulfides, the oxidation number of sulfur is -2

5 The oxidation number of an ion is the same as its charge.

The sum of the oxidation numbers of all atoms in the formula of the compound is always zero.

7 The oxidation number of alkali metals is +1 where alkaline earth elements have oxidation state +2.

8 Elements of groups 4, 5, 6 and 7 show a variety of oxidation numbers.

The oxidation number of metal in the carbonyl complex is always zero.

10 Noble gases generally do not form compounds hence their oxidation number is zero.


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